Recently I've realised that blogging has been a part of my life for three(!) years last April.
That fact amazes me. Clzover has become a part of my identity, for sure.
And that's the reason why it's difficult to have to give it up at last.
I figure it's not in my best interests professionally to continue this project into the future. As well, I have to admit that commiting to 3-ish posts a week has become less enjoyable and taken up more time than when I first started.
I thank everyone who's been with me through the blog change from eatreallysuperfast to clzover; to the bloggers I've built up relationships with over the years; to my readers and followers who encouraged me to keep on; and not least, to those who've come upon this blog for the first time, just now.
So thanks for making this creative outlet a rewarding and worthwhile experience.
It's been absolutely wonderful to have the autonomy of running a blog and a place to feel free to express my love for fashion that had very little place or interest in my day-to-day life. Things are changing, though, and I'm moving on.